Pixie Day is held in Ottery St Mary, Devon UK on 25th June 2022 ~ A legend which has remained with the town since 1454

The legend began that Ottery St Mary was once occupied by Pixies. They were forced into exile by the coming of the humans and the building of the church. The last straw was the noise of the church bells which they could not bear. As the bells rung the Pixies would do everything they could to stop them as they believed that each time the bells rung a Pixie would die. So on one midsummer’s day in 1454 they invaded the town and captured all the bell ringers and imprisoned them in a cave by the river. This cave is still known as Pixie’s Parlour.

Fortunately for the town the bell ringer’s escaped, but the pixies and the capturing of the bell ringers is remember each year with a celebration on the Saturday nearest to midsummer. (Extract from otterystmary.info)

Further information about Pixie Day: HERE


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