Would you like to share details of your art/business etc to readers of FAE Magazine?
We are currently putting together the finishing touches to the delicious summer edition of this collectable magazine, and you could be in it too!
As a special bonus we are offering FAE newsletter subscribers an extra discount to the fees quoted on our rate card. For example an eighth page advert is usually £75, but we are offering this one-time only for just £50 – this will give you 3 months on the shelf, and afterwards the magazine will still sell as a back issue! So it’s like an eternal advert! The Summer issue comes out on 1st May and we would need to reserve your advert this week to be included.
For other sizes and further information please email info@faemagazine.com or visit the website to download the PDF www.faemagazine.com Plus you can always call us on 01736 330201 to chat to a ‘real’ faery 🙂
FYI: The summer issue will feature a Hollywood actress on the cover!
Hugs & Happiness!