A new series with Warwick Davis ‘Weekend Escapes’ is starting on 11th April on ITV at 8pm – AND the Willow Appreciation Society peeps are appearing in the first episode!!!
…..The family’s first stop is the middle of an enchanted wood in Launceston where they meet a group of locals dressed up as fairies, pixies, wood elves, merfaes (half mermaid and half fairy) and other woodland creatures. The Willow Appreciation Society meet up regularly in costume to keep the area’s legends and mystical stories alive.
Warwick says: “Cornwall isn’t all about cream teas and scrumpy it’s a county brimming with magic, mystery and plenty of strange surprises if you scratch beneath the surface.”
You’ll find FAE magazine‘s Editor Karen Kay in the woods with Warwick Davis and his family.
The existence of fairies has long been dismissed and resigned to the realm of children’s books and Disney films.
However Manchester Metropolitan University lecturer John Hyatt claims he now has proof the creatures are real and are residing in the Rossendale Valley.
And he is on a mission to get more adults to believe and ‘bring a bit of magic into their lives.’
John Hyatt, Director of Manchester Institute for Research and Innovation in Art and Design (MIRIAD) at Manchester Metropolitan University snapped images of what he claims are the tiny winged creatures whilst out photographing the Lancashire landscape over the last two years.
Source: Manchester Evening News
As part of the Frome Festival (SW UK), Students of all local schools, their families, friends and everyone in Frome are invited by The Frome Times, Kumon Frome Study Centre and Absolutely Fabulous Costume Hire to attempt the Guinness World Record for the Greatest Number of People Dressed as Characters from the Wizard of Oz.
The attempt to beat the current record of 446 will take place on Sunday 13th July 2014.
The registration fee is only £1 per participant and all money raised will be used to buy books for participating schools. A free assembly with local author, David Gatward, on the theme of the Wizard of Oz is available for all schools taking part. At these sessions characters from the book will also appear! These will be great events to tie in with World Book day in March 2014. Schools will be provided with flyers and a poster to help promote the event. A number of other events to promote this Guinness World Record attempt will also be running in Frome, including art sessions, reading sessions and the showing of the original film at the Westway Cinema after the record attempt.
Visit for updates and details
Part of Karen Kay’s Faery Events: Avalon Faery weekend in Glastonbury, UK
There will be TWO DEBUT UK performances with RAPALJE
For the first time one of Holland’s finest musical exports ‘RAPALJE’ will be performing in the heart of Avalon. Celtic folk band Rapalje are to play on Friday 25th October at the Glastonbury Assembly Rooms, plus GOBLIN MARKET: With Elizabeth-Jane Baldry & Maxine Fone ‘Goblin Market’ is a performance for spoken voice and golden harp of Christina Rossetti’s celebrated and disturbing narrative poem – a unique combination in British literature of the grotesque, the fairytale, the erotic and the moral. A night of faery culture.
Their second gig will be at the infamous Avalon Faery Ball on Saturday 26th October at Glastonbury town Hall, this time they will be playing with their UK friends, The Dolmen! So that will be TWO amazing headline acts on the same night! A night of real faery delight!!!
Tickets for Friday 25th October cost £15.
Tickets for Saturday 26th October cost £25
Or get a special discount and buy tickets for both nights for £35 from
Sign up for the free newsletter at for further details
Both events are sponsored by FAE Magazine
FAE Magazine would like to share some very happy and joyous news, and give a very warm faery welcome to new faery baby, Sebastian Froud! and huge congratulations to Mother Sarah and father Toby Froud, and of course the very proud Grandparents Brian and Wendy Froud, and Sarah’s parents too.
As reported on Facebook today by close friend of the Froud’s, Terri Windling-Gayton:
“There’s a brand new Froud amongst us! Hooray! Welcome to our beautiful, maddening, inspiring and amazing world, Sebastian Froud. And congratulations to parents Sarah and Toby, to grandparents Wendy and Brian, and to his other grandparents and relatives too. He is certainly a baby surrounded by deep magic and love. (The picture here, by the way, was painted by Brian, before Toby was born.)” – Terri Windling-Gayton via Facebook.
Fairies will flutter into Bury St Edmunds this Christmastime to attempt to break a world record for charity.
Bid4Bury, the town centre improvement organisation, is inviting everyone who comes into town for late-night shopping on Thursday, December 13, to take part in the challenge to achieve a gathering of the largest number of people dressed as a fairy.
The event will support Breakthrough Breast Cancer and will also help raise awareness of the town.
for more details CLICK HERE
Sleeping Beauty is a timeless fairytale about a young girl cursed to sleep for 100 years. The story was first turned into a ballet in 1890.
This haunting new production of the ballet classic sees award-winning choreographer Matthew Bourne return to the music of Tchaikovsky to complete a trio of masterworks, which started with Nutcracker! and Swan Lake.
In this latest re-imagining of Sleeping Beauty, the story begins at heroine Aurora’s christening at a time when fairies and vampires fed the gothic imagination before fast-forwarding 100 years.
From 4 December 2012 to 26 January 2013
at Sadler’s Wells, Rosebery Avenue, London, EC1R 4TN
#GameofThrones Season 3 will start production in early July. Film Locations include Belfast, Northern Ireland, Croatia, Iceland and Morocco according to the latest ‘tweet’.
Keep up to date all things Game of Thrones related by visiting the official website : or follow Game of Thrones on Twitter
When visiting the website, be aware there are lots of Game of Thrones spoilers, but they do give you warnings, asking you to read, only if you have read al the books. We here at FAE Magazine (Faeries & Enchantment) are all very much looking forward to season 3 of this fantasy series – we loved the first and second series but felt they went by too fast!
On Saturday 2nd June 2012 a Fairy World Record attempt will take place at Strawberry Fair on Midsummer common, Cambridge, UK
Strawberry Fair launches its attempt to enter the Book of World Records, by aiming to smash the current world record for the largest gathering of fairies in one place. The Kids Area at the Fair will include a large fairy costume making marquee and a children’s parade will join the adult fairies on the central Village Green at 3.30pm for the record attempt. The Fair invites adults and children to portray fairies in any way they wish, as long as they include wands, wings and a tutu in their outfit. Fairy kits will be on sale at the Fair. A new Fairy Queen & King and a Fairy Princess & Prince will be crowned, based on their costumes, after the count-up.
So, what are you waiting for? Get your wings and wands and join in the fairy fun at Strawberry Fair and maybe you could be a part of Fairy history at this years Strawberry Fair. visit our Fairy Diary to see more Faery Events, Fairs and Festivals taking place in 2012…
Popular portal to Faerie ‘Fae Nation‘ celebrates 6 years since its’ inception, and FAE Magazine talks to the founder of Fae Nation, Bryony Whistlecraft.
FAE: What inspired you to start Fae Nation?
Bryony: As dull as it sounds, my bookmarks folder was getting a little out of hand! I had amassed a huge list of links to faerie sites and decided I needed to organise them. A blog seemed like the most practical way to do this, but it also filled what I thought was an important gap – while there were many, many sites dealing with faeries no one site brought everything together. With this idea of inclusiveness I created the site and have always tried to show as wide a variety of faerie-inspired greatness as I could find. Obviously it is biased towards the things I like, but fortunately I have quite eclectic and far ranging tastes!
FAE: Are you surprised at how much this no.1 online Fae resource has grown over the past 6 years?
Bryony: Mostly I am surprised that I stuck at it. Apart from a short break while I was on maternity leave I’ve posted something new several times a week (in the beginning it was every day!) for that entire time. I recently passed the 1000th post which was quite a landmark. I’ve often referred to it as a labour of love and truly, it is. But it is my way of supporting and promoting the faerie world, a community that has really felt like home for me all these years.
FAE: Where do you see yourself and Fae Nation in the next 6 years? And do you have any special plans for the future?
Bryony: At the moment I’ve no plans other than continuing doing what I do. So long as there are people out there still creating faerie art, music, fashion, film, events and so on, I’ll keep writing about them!
FAE: As well as being the founder of Fae Nation, the Assistant Editor of FAE Mag, you’re also a full time mum, AND you’ve launched Woodland Wild and are selling the sought after Elflocks! How do you fit it all in?
Bryony: Very little sleep and a steady supply of chocolate to keep my strength up! Plus boundless enthusiasm for all things Fae 🙂
FAE: Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Bryony: I want to say thank you to everyone who reads Fae Nation, or who takes the time to send me their emails and comments. And to all the people who’s work I feature, for allowing me to share with our awesome community.
Visit :
Karen Kay, Editor in Chief of FAE Magazine says “We would like to wish Bryony every success in the continuation of Fae Nation and the joy and magic she brings to her site visitors.’