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Exclusive Artist Interview
by Karen Kay
Intro: Aaron Pocock is well on the way the being funded in his super successful Kickstarter campaign! and at the time of sending out this newsletter, he has received pledges for $6,614 of his $7000 target! And he has 14 days to go! so come on faeries! Let’s help him reach his target and some!
Karen: Many of of our readers will know you from your illustrations in FAE over the years. You seem to have the ability to transfer a written brief into the most amazing art, filled with passion and emotion, and of course faery-tale magic! So, can you tell us how your artistic journey began?
Aaron: My artistic journey began at a very young age. I was a shy child, awkward around people, art provided me not only with an outlet for my emotions but a way to bridge the gap I felt. drawing was a way I could express how I felt about the world and it soon became a way to entertain others. To this day I enjoy inspiring other people. My earliest memories of drawing involve me sketching on my bedroom wall, I don’t remember getting into trouble for it, but I’m pretty sure I would have (chuckles). Comics and movies fuelled my imagination and as I got older, I filled page after page in my sketchbooks copying the work of my favourite artists.

Karen: So, what was it they led to the path of faerie art? Was there a specific experience or moment that led you in that direction? Were you pixie led! 🙂 ?
Aaron: In my early 20’s, I lived for three years in North Wales. I used to go on walks and sit in quiet forests, on rocks by the streams that ran through the area and just listen. I’ve always been very ‘open’. My sketchbooks thereafter contained more and more Fae folk. they often appeared to me in dreams, too… sprites and faery queens, and wee folk. When I moved to Australia, I had a dream experience with an indeginous Faery. Thankfully I’ve kept dream journals for the past 15 years or so- my night time wanderings are always full of mystery and magic.
When I eventually came across the work of Brian Froud and Alan Lee in my mid 20’s with their brilliant ‘Faeries’ book, I was entranced. Faeries have been a major subject of my work ever since.
Karen: Ah ha! So there’s no going back now! I’m sure your fans are very happy about that! What is it about the art styles and interpretation of the fae realms by Brian Froud and Alan Lee that inspires you?
Aaron: *laughs* Simple, those guys have obviously been touched by the Fae Realms. I felt the connection the minute I saw their art. Brian Froud’s work has all the mischief and raw emotion of Faery, his sketches and his finished art is loaded with energy, Alan Lee’s work has an ethereal quality I’d die for and his work perfectly elemental, and he represents nature so beautifully. Aside from that, they’re both wizards, technically…

Karen: Strongly agree! So, as your art goes out into the world, in magazines such as FAE and various book covers, and stamps! What are your plans for books etc? And can you tell us a bit about your current kickstarter campaign?
Aaron: Yes, I try and get it out there as best I can from this side of the world (chuckles), you guys are in the centre of things over there! I’m currently working hard to make this Kickstarter book happen (with the aid of all the wonderful people who’ve pledged and shared the links to the project, of course). It’s a ‘How To’ book for Fantasy Art enthusiasts covering drawing, line art and watercolours. I’ve got high hopes for this book as I’m basing a whole business plan around it, leading to a kind of online art school… hopefully, more books will follow, along with tuition videos and possibly the chance of some one-on-one tuition. I’m also currently looking at streaming live so people get a chance to interact with me as I work. It’s been an exciting year so far…

Karen: I’m sure this kickstarter campaign will be a success for you Aaron as I know how hard you work, and art really is your life, and music of course! But that’s another interview!
So how long do people have to pledge? And can they do so? As I know many FAE readers will wish to see this manifest for you, and we get to see another beautiful book by Aaron!
Aaron: Thank you Karen! I don’t think I could live without art (and music) to be honest. Regarding the Kickstarter Book’ ‘The Fantasy Artroom (Book one- Detail and Whimsy), we still have 16 days to go, it’s currently at 85% so it’s looking good. Of course, we’re open to receiving more pledges. If the funding is covered, I’ll be putting a new stretch goal together so people will receive even more for their efforts… As I said, it’s been an exciting ride.
A word to those thinking about launching a kickstarter project… Do your homework, talk to people who’ve done it, and be prepared for a roller-coaster ride! And thanks in advance to anybody who backs the project, this is going to be a great book.
Karen: Thank you Aaron for taking to time to chat about this exciting project, please keep me updated about the progress, so I can inform our readers. Wishing you the very best of luck from myself and everyone at FAE 🙂
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